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What if... примеры эссе

If you had power what would you do with it?


         People from their childhood always dream of having power, it can be either supernatural power or just the physical one or the power of a leader (like President). But not everyone really thinks about what he or she will do with it.

         What would I do if I got a power? It is a thought-provoking question, first of all, because I strongly believe that any power has a destroying character and it depends only on a person’s ability to withstand its seductive features. However, if I got any power, my aim would be to let people feel confidence in the future, there is nothing more terrible than indefiniteness. Of course, my words sound ridiculous and the majority of people would not believe me, nevertheless, we are what we do, but not what we say.

         Speaking about supernatural power, which I could possess, the level of responsibility is even higher, because not only some people depend on you, but the whole world does. In addition, the power is closely connected with your feelings, so it can be quite hazardous, when it goes out of your hand. Unfortunately, you often have to sacrifice your personal life for the greater good, but the heroes do not give up.

         Thus, any power demands sensible approach to it, so if you have one, do not waste your time and try to manage it, in order to save life both figuratively and literally speaking.       

© Kate Rashevskaya


If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?

         All people have different needs to become happy. Someone wants to have a new car, to do renovations or to go to the sea and spend all money just on yourself. However, we live in such a world where we have to take care of someone else. We all know about the political situation in Syria and the cute problem of terrorism.

        Terrorism is a threat to any person and to the world itself. The object of its attack becomes the culture, morality, religion, but the most important victims are innocent people. Terrorists kill thousands of guiltless people every day. The tension is still in the air and it needs much time to disentangle the problem.

        As for me, if I have a million dollars, I would send all money to Syria in order to help people who are really in need. I am concerned about the life of children in Syria. I wish they all lived in good conditions with plenty of toys, food, and peace. I would like that a million dollars go for the restoration of destroyed houses, food and clothing for children, some medicines.

       I am sure there are a lot of people who are really in necessitous circumstances. I am proud of the volunteers who help people in different situations, and we should not be indifferent to the fate of other people and always embrace compassion and support.

    © Kate Levchenko

What if you could change one thing about the world?

     If I were asked about the only thing I would like to change about the world, I would definitely mention people’s attitude to the peace in the world.

     I’d like people to be more tolerant, conscious and kind-hearted to each other, as social cohesion and as a result peace and prosperity depend on people’s relationships, their mentality and the values dominating in the society.

     Nowadays we face the problem of aggression; a lot of wars are observed almost in every corner of the Earth. Perhaps, it is hardly possible to find a country where there is no confrontation. Unfortunately, sometimes political conflicts are the major ground for initiating military actions, terrorist attacks and even wars. Obviously, it is a terrible and unfair situation that ordinary people become victims in this furious struggle for power, money and authority: people suffer and even die. To my mind, peace is impossible if there is no harmony between the nation and the government, between the peoples on the whole.

    In conclusion I’d like to say that peace in the world can be achieved, first of all, by “peace of mind”, our positive thoughts, ideas and actions, and only then by abolition of nuclear and chemical weapons stockpiles. So let’s make ourselves kind and sympathetic to the people around us and the world will change for the better!

 © Elena Egorova

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