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Reasons for learning English... полезные выражения, примеры эссе

to be enrolled for a bachelor’s degree – быть зачисленным на курс бакалавра

to major in English – специализироваться в английском языке

to obtain master’s degree – получать степень магистра

educational background ­ – подготовка, образование

to juggle studies with work –  совмещать учебу с работой

to be completely snowed under with smth – быть полностью погруженным во что-то

to live up to one’s expectations – оправдывать ожидания

to map everything out – распланировать все

to be on the bucket-list – быть в списке планов

to have a knack for learning language – иметь способности к изучению языков

to immerse oneself in the language – погружаться, увлекаться языком

to be in line with one’s qualification – в соответствии/согласно квалификации

 to form consciousness in different spheres – формировать знания в разных сферах

to develop habits – вырабатывать навыки

speech activity – речевая активность

to cramming a lesson – зазубривать урок

drill/practice (vocabulary, grammar) – закреплять

make correct/proper use of the methods – использовать метод правильно

to master habits and skills – овладевать навыками и умениями

to upgrade one’s qualification – повышать квалификацию




English: business or pleasure?


     At all times people have been prone to find the common ground with the others who live abroad. Nowadays, the main language of international communication is English. Some people find it to be the way of increasing work opportunities, while the others take this language as a useful tool when traveling.

    The majority of world population aims at learning the English language in order to liaise with the most successful international companies, which can help them to earn for living or even make a fortune. Some of the businessmen command the services of an interpreter; the others prefer to rely only on themselves to avoid the possibility of ‘playing a double game’.

     On the other hand, English is widely used on a traveling, that’s why some learners do not lose the chance of taking English lessons to fulfill their objectives and discover the world. Moreover, with the aid of this language, travellers can easily extend their horizons by being involved in the local culture and traditions.

     In addition, some groups of people strongly believe that there is nothing more pleasant than the opportunity of having a face-to-face conversation with a flamboyant native speaker. Thus, the main reasons for learning English differ, so find yours!

 © Kate Rashevskaya



Reasons for learning English


     To begin with, knowledge of a foreign language has always been valued. The humanity doesn’t know the name of the first interpreter, but he or she probably helped to avoid many conflicts between ancient tribes. Taking into account such phenomenon as globalization in the contemporary world, the need for an efficient way of communication increases greatly.


     Today it is generally agreed that an educated person should know English, as it is a language of international communication. First of all, knowledge of English gives a possibility to do business all over the world. It helps people to understand each other and to come to an agreement easier. Besides, it increases work opportunities, as there are a lot of international companies, having subdivisions in different countries, which presupposes that staff has good English speaking skills.  


     Apart from this, it should be mentioned that the majority of modern academic books and articles are written in English as scientists are used to share their ideas and concepts, discuss it with colleagues, and it is the only way to make a progress. In this case English language serves as a tool for international scientific dialogue. Of course, such situation creates distinct challenges for those people who are not native speakers of English, but on the other hand it creates a global community of scientists who can share any kind of information fast and clear without any interpreters.


     To sum up, the fact that English is the global language is not likely to change anytime soon. Thus the importance of learning English can’t be denied.

© Helen Voitenko



  Importance of English


   "How many languages you know - that many times you are a person", ancient wise men said. English occupies a leading position among such languages as Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French. Nowadays it is very important to learn English as it is an international language. It spreads all over the world.

     In our time of globalization, it is very useful to know English. Now there are opportunities to visit any country and going abroad, you will face the need to explain something to someone who does not know Russian language. You will have to talk in the hotel, and in the stores. If you know at least English, then you will be understood by all and everywhere.


     But there are lots of different reasons to learn English too. If you are interested in having a good position, good salary or decent standard of living, the knowledge of languages is very useful to realize these goals. In modern world the employers require knowledge of English or other languages, depending on the country in which their company works. You salary will depend on the knowledge and skills that you offer to the employer. Even if your job is not directly connected with communication with foreign customers, then pointing the knowledge of English to your resume, you will be a prior candidate to apply for a job. Language skills also mean that you are able to learn something new and can develop your abilities.

     In conclusion, I’d like to say that together with foreign language skills you will gain confidence and get unlimited possibilities of communication such as traveling or working in international companies. You can also make a lot of interesting friends from different countries, and you will understand each other.

© Kate Levchenko

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